Fancy Frugality- 2013!
Most popular posts (according to Google Stats)
This has had 9 times the number of hits as the post in second place- wtf?
Garment most proud of
Spotty Travolta Blouse- Simplicity 2215
I am most proud of the finish on this garment and got good wear from it in the spring and summer months. Feels good to wear.
Most complimented garments
Shirt Dress Refashion- Self drafted
I think people just thought this kinda cool because of the idea behind it more than the actual construction. Read a tutorial by clicking on the link.
Tweed Pencil Skirt- Self drafted.
I want to go back to Paris- Ahh! I also need to wear tops a different colour from my skin based on this photo...
Birdie Dress- New Look 6171.
Lovely fabric from John Lewis, this would make any garment look gorgeous! But not, sadly, my weird fringe...:(
Favourite selfless sewing
Patchwork Memory Cushion for mum- such fun to make and such fun to give! My mum passed this around at her birthday party like a tray of snacks.

Ribbon for the Grand Opening at my school, this was enormous and took longer than I expected but was proud to see it held at the front on a lovely day of celebrating our new build!
Fascinator for Rae- Not quite selfless as she bought all the materials for this one but I am particularly proud of this one as I has never made or even worn anything like this before but it was lovely to work to a brief again with someone else's style in mind for a wedding, I mean who doesn't love a wedding!?
Waistcoat for Josh- I just love this, too cute!
Biggest failures
Floral Trench- Burda 7072
Horribly over-fiddly pattern to work with which has put me off working with another Burda pattern since. I also chose a fabric too light weight which has rendered this garment pretty unworn.
Check Shirt- Butterick 5218
I just did not like this on me. The Pockets were enormous and made my boobs look weird. Just an all round disappointment which landed in my patchwork pile!
Rosy Chiffon Blouse- New Look 6186
Looks pretty but was made before I understood how to work with chiffons and I failed to overlock the seams, rendering this bas boy useless and in tatters after half a dozen wears. Live and learn!
My favourite outfit
Cynthia Rowley for Simplicity 2512 Skirt and Self Drafted Tee
This is my favourite me made outfit of the year as I just feel it is very 'me' *cringe* and the top I made years ago when I was about 16 and the skirt is a 2013 addition which I love when worn together.
Favourite new skill learnt
Crochet! Hands down! Best thing I ever learnt in a pub- fact!

Blanket work in progress!
Most Used Commercial Pattern (google it and my face pops up...whoops!)
New Look 6068
Enough said really! Two were for Oxfam (centre), one was a blouse and the rest just dresses for me! I have adapted it in so many ways and also used it several times in 2012, a highly recommended pattern used countless times for myself, friends and family.
Most worn
In the Spring my Birdie Shift, New Look 6068
In the summer my self drafted White Jersey Dress
In the Autumn, Spotty Satin Dress New look 6068
In the Winter my Tweed Skater Dress, based loosely on New Look 6567. Since this pic was taken I removed the sleeves and have worn it as a pinny of sorts.
Least worn
My floral trench, Burda 7072. The hassle this coat has caused me puts me off and I also chose the wrong fabric.
Rosy Sailor Tee, New Look 6816. This fabric is just way too much, over powering, no ta.
Ambitions for next year
- To travel more and seek out inspiration and maybe even materials for my creative ventures overseas
- To take a pattern cutting course
- To sew fewer but better quality garments. I want to use high quality fabrics (oh hello John Lewis sale!) to create eye popping pieces. It's time to refine my skills and see how good I can become at fiddly things I have previously avoided (like zips- eugh!)
So I guess that means bring on 2014! It sounds like the future and is scaring me, maybe I should make myself a futuristic outfit a la 60s siren...
Thanks for reading, happy New Year and happy sewing! x x x
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