Oh my goodness! It's that time again, and May really has sprung up on me this year, it very much snuck up on me when I wasn't looking!
I have been reminiscing about last years Me Made May which was my first and I loved it, it really challenged my skills as a dressmaker and I felt really proud at the end of the month when it was all over and I had succeeded in my challenge! Sometimes the most fulfiing challenges are the ones you set for yourself.
If you'd like to read about my MMM from 2013 you can here: http://fancyfrugality.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/me-made-may-2013-overview.html
Here are some of my favourite outfits from last year:

However, my style has changed quite a bit from this time last year (although not unrecognisably!) so there will be some quite different outfit posts to look forward to, if you like that sort of thing...!
If you too would like to pledge for #MMM14 then visit So Zo @
I'll be pinning onto the Pinterest board too so look out for outfit posts, happy sewing and good luck with your pledge! X o x o
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