Me Made May 2014- days 19-22

Last four days of work before half term! Although I use the term half term loosely, as I seem to have more work to do than ever before. Ho hum, can't complain as I have two lovely day trips planned, one to Brighton and then to Cambridge, eek! :)

Monday 19th
Today was class photo day so my children all look super smart and totally adorable! I tried to do the same and actually, shock horror, wore makeup to work! Usually such things are reserved for nights out and special occasions, but I did not want to be remembered as their shiny red teacher :)

I wore:

Me Made anchor tee, vintage McCalls 5470
Me Made navy skirt, self drafted
Gold chain necklaces Accessorise
Primark brown sandals 

After work I watched a truly scary documentary about the so called Jesus Camps in America, where young evangelical Christians spend their summers being indoctrinated with some rather questionable ideas (in my opinion). As someone who works with children I found this very difficult viewing as I cannot stress how easily impressionable little people are and to exploit this as a means of spreading your own views to me seems dangerous and wrong. Surely, if you have found the right way, your children will find it too for themselves when they are ready?

On a chirpier note, I also finished making Vogue 8685 which turned out really nicely (although I'm biased!) but I did change the skirt, removing the dropped waist yoke (as it was monumentally unflattering on my figure and recutting the skirt using Salme 142, which incidentally seems to be quickly becoming my favourite pattern!

Tuesday 20th
Tuesday saw me taking 25 year 3 and 4 children out into London to an amazing workshop organised by the National Portrait Gallery and the English Touring Opera. The children wrote a song inspired by a portrait of Simon Weston. It was truly inspiring seeing how the staff worked with the children, a fabulous, yet tiring, day!

In the evening I watched the hilarious documentary Mortified, all about people reading their teenage diaries out on stage to an audience. It inspired me to get out my own diaries and I was, indeed, mortified to see the entries! 

I also started sewing these awesome new labels into my handmade clothes, which I kind of love, and the ribbon was a bargain at 35p per meter.

I wore:

Me Made spotty dress simplicity 2215
Clarks brogues
Kitty watch from bf
Gold chain necklaces from Accessorise 

Wednesday 21st
A fairly normal day at work. In the evening I made a new green spotty dress, which you will see I wore on Thursday! I really am terrible inpatient, once I make something I seem to have to wear it the next day! It was a hybrid of my two most flattering patterns:

BUT today I wore:
(Please excuse my massive, untameable hair!)

Me Made birdie dress Simplicity 2549
Primark brown sandals
Gold chains accessorise 
Kitty watch from bf

Thursday 22nd
Time to vote, so today I wore green with pride, naturally!
My friends C and N were running in the election which was pretty cool, but sadly not in my ward so I couldn't vote for them! The man behind the desk at the polling station asked me if it was my first time voting and I quite honestly could have hugged him, yay for looking 18 still! 

Sadly this was not my polling station, but I wish it was:

Today I wore the dress I made yesterday!

Me Made dress, a hybrid between Lisete Simplicity 1419 and Salme 142
Clarks brogues
Primark gold chain necklace
Gold kitty watch from bf

That's all for today, thanks for reading and happy sewing!
X o x o
