As mentioned in my previous blog post, my awesome friend Clare has been running for MP in Kingston and Surbiton for the Green Party. I have been a member for some years now and was so proud and excited when Clare decided to run. To celebrate her and her awesomeness I made Clare a special dress to wear on polling day in green polka dots.
I chose to make McCalls 7080 as the shape really reminds me of Clare's style and she liked my pink version I made myself a few months ago.
At the back of the neck I put a little glittery pink button because we all need a bit of sparkle, particularly when one is working as hard as Clare has been these last few months.

Naturally I wore a green DIY dress myself when voting for Clare on the 7th.

Clare's campaign video features beautiful shots of sunny kingston all filmed in the freezing cold. I'm in it too how exciting!
My friend and my dress were on telly eeekkkk!

Clare did an absolutely amazing job and it was such fun to help when I could with her campaign. She quadrupled the Kingston green votes compared to the last general election and all while working full time and studying part time. Amazing woman, fo sho. I feel this is my best project of the year so far, just for it being for the most dedicated and deserving woman- yay Clare!

Inspiring stuff! That's all for today, thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
See Clare Irish jig!
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