Having dip dyed my own hair, it was only a matter of time until my clothes followed suit. The ombre-inspo:






For my dip dye I used Dylon Ocean Blue just mixed up in a bucket of water with loads of salt.
I decided to make my dress in linen-look cotton (it has to be natural fibres to really take the dye) and I decided to cut out the skirt pieces and dip dye them first before assembling the garment.

I roughly followed the below guide for how long to hold in each section of the fabric. You get a slightly achey arm but it's worth it!

I attached my fabric to a clip coat hanger to ensure fairly even distribution of the dye

And here is the finished garment! I used Lisette for Simplicity 1419, a lovely simple sew:

I may be hooked on dip dying now, the world/Dylon is my oyster!
That's all for today, thanks for reading and happy dip dying! X o x o
My next project!?!

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