Saturday 16th
Best day ever because my mum came to see me yay! We usually spend our days together drinking tea, eating lots and shopping for fabric and, being traditionalists, this is pretty much what we did. We ate breakfast at Pret, lunch at the Vegetaria and browsed Fabric Land and as John Lewis for treats. I am eyeing up new sewing machines with alphabet functions, exciting!

My mum is doing Me Made May too but doesn't have a blog so I shall share her outfit here:
I wore: McCalls 7080 spotty dress with my Tatty Devine necklace which photographed terribly in this pic. My mum is wearing a dress and trousers of her own making but I am unsure of the patterns.

That evening I went to the aforementioned S's birthday do. There was wine, pizza, music and human pyramids.

My lovely friend Z who hosted the do painted the beautiful picture on the top right, presumably whilst dressed as the last member of All saints, bottom left. Excitingly I met another sewer that evening, my friend T was up from Cornwall (where cool people tend to reside it turns out) in a pretty dress she stitched herself. So I embarrassed her and took a picture, obvs.
I wore: Me made lace skirt adapted from Simplicity 2215 with RTW top and jacket.

Sunday 17th
We didn't get back home until the wee hours of the morning so much of Sunday morn was spent sleeping off my hangover. We then met our chums C&N for brunch on our favourite Castle Street where you can get a full enormous fry up with tea for under a fiver. Our favourite cafe is call Corleone's and it filled with pictures from the Godfarther.

I also spent much of the say blogging with my NEW app BlogGo having narrowly avoided a nervous breakdown thanks to the crap that is the Blogger app. BF and I popped to the shops to get a new series of Game of Thrones (I have a problem) and in the evening I exercised on my bike whilst we rewatched Moonrise Kingdom, which is just such a pretty film, gotta love Wes Anderson.

During the day I also discovered this hilarious picture of me at a family wedding some 10 years ago, proving why all orange polyester should be reclaimed and melted back to provide traffic cones to protect future generations from such sartorial crimes.

I wore: my striped New Look 6065 again but this time belted with a lovely National Trust scarf given to me by my mum the day before.

Monday 18th
Back to work and a big workout after school. Feeling super fit!
I wore: Simplicity 2215 skirt with RTW top and Tatty Devine necklace.

Tuesday 19th
Work drinks our with R meant I failed to get an outfit pic, but I wore double polka dots with this Simplicity 3688

Wednesday 20th
After work BF and I went to Matsuba in Richmond which was delicious, I <3 gyoza!

I wore: a self drafted skirt in Amy Butler fabric with a primark jumper and sandals.

Thursday 21st
End of the working week for us woohoo! So to celebrate the Friday inset day we decided to head out for cocktails as Las Iguanas Kingston followed by a spot of clubbing at the Hippodrome. Teachers have fun too!

In the day I wore: New Look 6068 made from cutting down my old lace dress with a self drafted skirt and H&M jacket

In the evening I wore: chevron print dress from a Salme pattern with leggings and my favourite shiny sandals.

Friday 22nd
In the morning I popped in to work to tie up some loose ends before popping in to John Lewis on my way home and picking up some beautiful red cotton gingham. I then returned home to sort laundry and do some work hoorah!... In the evening I packed my bag for my weekend away in the north with the bf, cooked a delicious spag bol with green lentils and dip dyed some beautiful fuscia linen orange inspired by Millie Macintosh's amazing Matthew Williamson dress.

I also cut out a new Simplicity 1755 Leanne Marshall dress in this amazing red tulip fabric yum!

I wore: Leanne Marshall for Simplicity 1755 dress in vintage cotton.

That's all for today. Which is your favourite outfit this week? And how is your #mmm15 going? Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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