Saturday morning bf had a hospital appointment so I pottered about locally before meeting him at Prezzo for a lovely lunch together. In the afternoon I experimented with dip dyeing (see my post about it and then bf and I went for a stroll around Fairfield. In the evening I squeezed in cutting out a new Lisette shirt dress before we had friends round for drinks at ours which we hadn't done for a little while and it was so good to catch over some lovely wine.

I wore: Simplicity 2215 skirt with H&M polo neck, Clark's shoes and Tatty Devine necklace.

Sunday was a lazy but lovely morning spent calling friends for a catch up, cleaning the house, sewing my dip dye Lisette for Simplicity shirt dress and watching Twin Peaks. I also received a lovely surprise parcel from my friend H, some beautiful fabric from Zimbabwe. In the afternoon bf and I went for a long walk from Ham Common back to Kingston along the river and it was a beautiful, fresh day for a stroll. In the afternoon I finished sewing my dip dye dress before meeting my lovely chum Smale for a drink at Woody's, where we enjoyed our wine off an aeroplane wing next to a bath-sofa.

Monday 11th
Back to work with a crazy busy day as usual. I spent my evening cooking, sorting laundry and other riveting pursuits. We also watched Charlie Brookers Election Wipe and Twin Peaks- I <3 Audrey! I also began planning a kaftan type tunic inspired by this beautiful thing I found in H&M:

I wore: my dip dyed Simplicity 2246 with my vintage liberty bangle and primary sandals.

Tuesday 12th
I managed to escape work at a more decent time on Tuesday and made a beautiful Simplicity 2246 dress after work in a rabbit print! I often feel if I were to be an animal, I'd be a rabbit. Jus sayin.

Wednesday 13th
A beautiful sunny day! I spent my evening finishing my friend J's bridesmaid dress (more to come on this enormous and exciting project in the summer!) and cutting out my Kaftan top. I choose Burda 6809 with this lovely blue viscose from my stash, bought last summer for trousers which never made it to the sewing table.
I wore: my new Simplicity 2246 rabbit shirt dress! With the trusty Primark sandals and vintage liberty bangle, again...

I wore: my new Simplicity 2246 rabbit shirt dress! With the trusty Primark sandals and vintage liberty bangle, again...

An evening of bleak comparisons as I sat in sorting and filing observations for my class while bf rubbed shoulders with celebrities at the annual perfume awards, hilariously named the Fifi awards. It rained solidly the entire day. Bleh.
I wore: Tilly Buttons floral Lilou dress with a RTW tee and Topshop shiny silver Mary Janes.

Friday 15th
Weekend wahoo! We celebrated Friday night with drinks on the river at the Gazebo.

I wore: Lisette for Simplicity 1419 in a lovely horse print! With my Clark's shoes.

That's all for today, how is your Me Made May going? Thanks for reading and happy sewing X o x o
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