It's all over! And the first day of June has been ridiculously miserable, wet and cold, sigh.
SO let's talk about pretty clothes to merry me along...
Tuesday 26th
An entirely sensible morning of report writing livened up with a spot of fabric shopping for an appropriate trouser pattern. In the afternoon I wasted some valuble time on Pinterest before meeting up with my lovely girl J for her bridesmaid dress fitting. I can't show you on here due to wedding confidentiality but she looks freakin perfect.
After that we had a lovely wine on the river at The Ram followed by a delicious dinner in carluccios and a walk with her amazeballs dog Dinky, who is essentially a cloud only cuter.

Who could resist these super flattering Burda trousers?!? Such a gem for us pear shaped ladies.

I wore: Leanne Marshall for Simplicity 1755 dress in red tulip print cotton with Primark sandals

Wednesday 27th
Another sensible morning writing reports followed by a far more fun afternoon of dip dying and then sewing trousers. I also bought a sewing magazine which was awesome and contained no crocheted lettuces (woah!)- the Mollie Makes Sewing Special. Same time again next year!... Sob. In the evening I checked literacy planning (partay) and watched the new GOT with the bf.

I wore: Burda 6918 in dip dyed pink linen look cotton.

Thursday 28th
I spent the day in Cambridge with my lovely mum indulging in Wagamama's for lunch followed by a poke around Calli Co fabric shop where I extravagantly purchased a single spool of thread. We nosed about the colleges and went inside the spectacular Kings Chapel before checking out the seriously peculiar wears of the Fitzwilliam museum (see creepy Twin Peaks Owl below) where I made myself sick with clotted cream scones. On the way back I got to see me dad for as brief but lovely time on Cambridge station before heading back to London to turn a cushion cover into a mini skirt, as one does.

I REALLY want one of these badass lamps for our new flat.

It's another mother daughter Me Made May snap (although apparently these shoes make me too tall).
I wore the aforementioned Burda 6938 dip dyed trousers with a uniqlo shirt, a Tatty Devine necklace and TKMaxx handbag, keepin it classy.
My mum wore a New Look 6352 dress of her own making.

That's all for today. Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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