Friday 29th
Another fun morning of report writing followed by finishing my ridiculously yellow skirt. The weather was completely grim with torrential rain all day so H and I went for lunch and wine at Woody's Kingston. In the afternoon I hid from the rain watching old Buffy episodes and blogging. I researched which sewing machine to buy as I make my first foray into the world of the computerised sewing machines. I attempted to cheer myself up by purchasing a new notebook as I love stationary :). In the evening BF and I chilled at home and I worked on a new dress made from beautiful vintage pink floral cotton given to me by my ma last year.

Get my amazing new notebook for under £3 here.
I wore: Simplicity 1370 mini skirt made from two cushion covers my friend bought me back from Pakistan, with a tee I have dip dyed and a H&M cardigan.

Saturday 30th
I love a Saturday lie in followed by breakfast with the bf. Later he indulged me in some window shopping for sewing machines at John Lewis and I had some options demoed for me by the helpful shop assistant. I think I am tempted most by the Janome, which I gather from my mother, the sewing oracle, is a good brand to go for. I met my work pal G for a delicious Wagamama lunch followed by an afternoon of Pinterest, Instagram, report writing and finally finishing my new vintage cotton pink floral dress! In the evening we travelled to Rotherhide for our friends O and J's party, which ended up on one of London's most enchantingly littered beaches. I wore my new dress and felt pretty whilst climbing over fences.

In the daytime I wore: a Simplicity 1370 mini skirt with a primark tee and Tatty Devine necklace.

In the evening I wore: Leanne Marshall for Simplicity 1755 in vintage cotton.

Sunday 31st
The end of the month, the end of the week, the end of Me Made May, the end of half term all at once! We had a nice weekend lie in after which I FINISHED MY REPORTS! Any teacher readers will realise the sense of achievement and joy in this. After that I cut out my new shiny floral bomber jacket (so freakin excited by this) and hit the shops with Bf to get supplies for our afternoon of fun tie dying. He did two tees and I did a shirt. I will do a little tutorial soon. In the evening a friend I used to work with who has since moved to Vietnam was visiting so lots of us work ladies met up for drinks and dinner on Twickenham Green and had a lovely time.

In the daytime I wore: Burda 6938 dip dye trousers with a uniqlo tee and H&M denim jacket.
In the evening I wore: a Simplicity 2215 lace overlay skirt with H&M tee and pineapple necklace.

That's it for today and for #mmm15! Thanks for reading and following my month. I will be doing a little summary soon of my outfits and lessons learnt, so check back soon.
Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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