So this summer my beautiful friend M is getting married. It will be a fabulous, glamorous, big fat Greek wedding with money pinning and plate smashing (not that I am culturally stereotyping here...)
M and C have also just bought their own home together and will be moving in together in the next few weeks, what an amazing summer for them!
But what oh what do you give the couple who have everything? For the wedding gift money will of course be pinned, but for her bridal shower I wanted to give M a beautiful keep- sake type gift.
My lovely friend H gave me this idea over brunch at our favourite Corleone's cafe (seriously, there are pictures from The Godfather all over the walls). We went shopping in town for the perfect plate. It's surprisingly difficult to find a plain white plate but as luck would have it we found these lovely heart shaped ones in old faithful shop Wilkos:

I then trawled Pinterest and notonthehighstreet.com for lovely, cheesy ideas and came across lots of good ideas:
You will need: one plate, set of sharpie markers, nail polish remover, washing up liquid, tea towel, access to the internet or lots of lovely books for images and inspiration.
1. Buy your plate from Wilko or similar.

2. Wash and thoroughly dry your plate.
3. Practise your design on paper. I know I wanted to write Mr and Mrs Lewis in caligraphy ish writing and spent ages copying letters I liked from example alphabets until I got it just right. I also think it's nice to include the date of the wedding along with flowers, rings etc to give it a nice vibe. Also don't forget to design the back, I chose to put a little Beatles quote back there for good cheer.

4. Now it's the scary part, start drawings on your plate with the sharpie markers!
This is less daunting than you think as I discovered that sharpies can be removed using nail polish remover, so you don't need to fear making an irreversible mistake. I chose to just use black and gold to give the plate a simple look as this is what M tends to go for. If I were to make one for myself it would have a silly amount of flowers and colours but yeah...

5. Once your plate is finished it can be wrapped and given to your girl/boy friend! Please remember this is not in any way intended to be eaten off of or washed as the design will fade and you might get ill from eating off of sharpies! It is purely decorative.

That's all for today, I hope you like M's gift and that you have a go a making your own engagement gifts for friends as they are so meaningful and often treasured in the long run.
Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o

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