Lisette for Simplicity 1419 is probably one of my favourite and most used patterns so I decided to use this as my base for my pattern hack. If you have not yet tried this pattern I could not recommend it highly enough for it's lovely flattering fit and with it's simple lines it makes the perfect base for alterations and pattern hacks. However this method would probably work quite well on any basic summer dress pattern.

6. For the skirt panel I simply cut the skirt panels from contrast fabric and then cut out a triangle the width of the skirt waist from the patterned cotton I am using. I then hemmed this triangle before appliquéing onto the main skirt panel so they become one piece of fabric.

That's all for today, thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
Credit to http://www.abeautifulmess.com/ app for image editing

Keep reading to achieve this look for yourself.
1. Start with the bodice front. Mark 1 inch below the bust dark and 1 inch next to the waist dart.
2. Connect these marks with a ruler, creating the triangle. Cut along this line.

3. Repeat this process on the bodice back. You will need to measure the height of the triangle you cut off the bodice front to ensure these match up when you sew your side seams.

4. Cut your triangular side panels from your contrast plain fabric. Cut your bodice front and back front your patterned fabric. Remember to add seam allowance to the diagonal edges you cut along previously.
5. Stitch darts as usual. Attach triangular side panels to the bodice front and back before sewing the shoulder and side seams as usual. Finish neck and armholes as usual (I like to either bag a lining or make a joint neck and armhole facing.

7. Attach the skirt to the bodice as usual. Hem and insert an invisible zip. Et voila, a simple panelled dress without buying a new sewing pattern!
I loved this dress in black so much I made another version in white for my summer break to Lisbon. I have been wearing the black version into autumn layered with black tees and polo necks, #versatile

That's all for today, thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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