I have recently got very in to suede, in particular suede skirts after making one recently which has become an absolute wardrobe staple. 
The fit and construction of this garment makes it perfect for someone new to sewing as it has only three pieces, front back and waistband, and thus is easy to make small fitting alterations. The instructions are very good, I do love a simplicity pattern. It's so simple it's simplicity, lolz.

That's all for today. Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
In keeping with the current trend for all things 70s I fell for patchwork and decided to combine the two, suede and patchwork, to create a bonkers mini skirt. I hacked Simplicity 1370 into panels as I know view D fits me perfectly as I have previously used it to make three super simple skirts- one yellow, one from an embroidered pillow case and one in houndstooth stretch denim.

The fit and construction of this garment makes it perfect for someone new to sewing as it has only three pieces, front back and waistband, and thus is easy to make small fitting alterations. The instructions are very good, I do love a simplicity pattern. It's so simple it's simplicity, lolz.

Here are the lines I cut on the pattern pieces. When doing this do remember to add seam allowance! I also was careful when placing the pieces on different colours of suede I also made sure no pieces the same colour were touching but that is just personal preference.

Anyway, here is some inspo for a patchwork suede mini skirt, groovy baby.
And here is my version! 

I wore it on the London eye and a river cruise, yes cruise, with the girls I used to live with. Love them <3

I wore it on the London eye and a river cruise, yes cruise, with the girls I used to live with. Love them <3

That's all for today. Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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