Towards the end of this week I was completely knocked out by tonsillitis which was totally horrid, so Friday was a write off and I did not actually get dressed at all! However, the rest of the week was pretty good so read on for details of how I am coping with just 10 key items in my wardrobe. This week was flipping freezing so I have been enjoying all the cosy jumpers in my capsule and really appreciating how many times you can wear cashmere without it needing to be laundered. #lazygirlwin.

Love this picture if us. Lol.

Tutu production line

Tutu layers close up

That's it for week two. I'm still smitten with this whole concept, I really do think that it will change the way that I dress in a more long term way, although I am aware it is still very early days! I just love his easy my mornings are with this was of dressing, and how much more wear I am getting out of each individual item. Please join me in this challenge and let me know how it is going! To learn more about the 10 item wardrobe click here for Jennifer's brilliant blog.
Saturday 9th January
A super busy day for the bf and I. We started the day with lunch with my family up in North London which was lovely, followed by a trip to the Tibet's Secret Temple exhibition at the Wellcome Trust in Euston which was incredible and a real must see, especially as it is a free exhibition. Bf kindly bought us a beautiful print for the flat which has instantly become one of my favourite pictures. After that we met up with the bfs friend T and his girlfriend for Mexican food for dinner. We were then going onto a bar in Tulse Hill but sadly this had to be abandoned due to terrible transport, to make a change... Tfl grrr.

I wore: vintage liberty blouse (over a vest because I'm old) with black corduroy pinafore and the hybrid coat.

Sunday 10th January
Bf and I headed back to Kingston for a lovely Corleone's lunch with our friends, followed by a spot of shopping for Wilko's essentials and thread. I so wish where I lived now had a Gutterman stockist as having to drag my ass to John Lewis for a single spool of threads seems rather ridiculous. After that I made a pinafore and we had fish and chips for tes, yum!

I wore: denim topshop jacket and fur scrap with me made faux suede mini skirt and blue M&S polo neck jumper.

Monday 11th January
Back to work again! Spent the evening knitting my striped Wool and the Gang dress, blogging my Wardrobe Architect Project and watching Tattoo fixers. I think we are obsessed.

Today it was SO cold. I wore: corduroy pinny with a black long sleeve tee and M&S cashmere polo neck. The scarf is Topshop.

Tuesday 12th January
Weekly date night with my Z, this time Wagamama Hammersmith to stuff myself with gyoza.

I wore: me made faux suede button down with topshop colour block jumper and hybrid coat.

Wednesday 13th Janaury
I stayed late putting up this amazeballs Jack and the Beanstalk display (cos I'm cool) and then hung out the the bf after work, knitting more of my frock of course. I got bleach on my skirt at work when I didn't realise the cleaners had covered my sink with it and I leant on it and was so disappointed, especially as it means I am down to 9 items but I will be attempting to fix it with machine dye. Watch this space.

I wore: my trusty camel cashmere polo neck again with my me-made navy button down skirt and topshop denim jacket and scarf.

Thursday 14th January
This is where is all started to go wrong for me as I felt horrible all day as I slowly but surely came down with tonsillitis. I was supposed my kids to the forest for our forest school so cheated the 10 items and stuck my jeans on (which I basically never wear as I look crap in trousers. As it happens I was so ill a kind colleague took them for me. I left at 3:30 and slept for 15 hours.
I wore my cashmere polo neck with said jeans.

Friday 15th January
Spent the day in bed feeling hideous. No clothes bar warmest pjs were worn. On the plus side I woke up and the cat was this closs to my face.

Saturday 16th January
On the mend somewhat, bfs parents came to visit so we went for a walk along Twickenham riverside and out for lunch with Zorans. I napped in the afternoon as I still felt pretty crap and later read sewing books while playing with Percy our cat. Bed early again, by this point I was questioning if I really was still 26 and not 96 as I struggled to stay up past 9pm.

I wore- a lot of makeup to look less pale and shit! And my me made corduroy pinny with M&S polo neck jumper.

Sunday 17th January
Full on sewing day of pure bliss. As I went to bed so early the night before I woke up bright and early and made a tutu for a flamingo costume (as one does) for a friend, followed by a quick trip to buy fabric for my own fancy dress costume (more on that once I have sewn it). I then spent the entire afternoon making a coat using my new pattern (shock) Vogue 9156. I lined it with the most devine printed cotton found in the John Lewis sale for £3 per meter down from £14. I love making cosy coats with devine linings to cheer up grim cold winter days. It was a 'very easy Vogue' pattern and took only about 3 hours to sew, about 1 hour total pressing and steaming and about 2 hours laying out and cutting as I hardly had enough fabric it called for 2.6m and I had a 1.5m piece and a 0.5m piece. In addition the fabric is super thick. And chunky boiled wool and a freaking nightmare to cut, especially with my crap scissors. Note to self, buy new pair.
Sneak peek of vogue 9156 with hanging loop!

I wore: a black long sleeve tee shirt, my me made corduroy pinny, M&S lace jumper.

Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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