A new month is upon up! February has arrived and although for me this signals the first burst (or whisper) of spring the weather here in London is actually most probably colder than it was back in December. To give you a point of reference, last night we slept with a duvet, a quilt, a fur blanket and I was also wearing a woollen jumper, pj bottoms and woolly socks. Flippin cold. So, to shake off the winter chill this month I have started sewing my pieces for the spring capsule wardrobe and I will begin to work a couple of these pieces in my winter capsule to brighten up my winter 10 pieces as we move, ever so gradually, into the new season. Saying that, the other day I woke up to find it was -3 so not going to be cracking out the summer frocks anytime soon.
Monday 1st February
Today I wore what is quite possibly my most worn outfit combination of all time, a striped Breton tee with a mini skirt! This mini skirt is my New Look 6346 button down.

Tuesday 2nd February
Today was great because I went to Ikea after work! I went with my friend R mainly to get things for work (like this amazing text which is our reading den and a wolf toy you can shove granny down his throat and then open his tummy to rescue her!) but I loved just browsing the aisle and show homes as always and picked up some amazing pink velvet curtains for our bedroom, a tasteful linen table cloth for our dining table and lastly this amazing white and blue print table cloth in lovely heavy cotton which I will be turning into a gorgeous summer dress. I really love that Mediterranean, blue and white colour scheme in the summer as it feels so fresh and cooling.

I wore my hacked Simplicity 1370 purple cord pinny with my M&S polo neck.

Wednesday 3rd February
I was on an English course after school which went on until 6, thus I look a bit manic in this picture.
I wore my trusty New Look 6346 brown skirt again with another M&S jumper, this time of the lacey variety.
Check out those new curtains though!

Thursday 4th February
I had a meeting at the uni after work to discuss my upcoming lecture (so exciting/terrifying!) so I tried to look smart in my spotty shirt (newly added to my spring capsule but actually quite old, found in H&M a couple of years ago) with my Simplicity 1370 navy button down skirt and Tatty Divine cube necklace. I forgot to take a photo so here is the skirt!

Friday 5th February
Bf treated me to a lovely pub dinner after work.

I wore my lovely black corduroy pinny hacked from Salme 142 with a striped tee.

Saturday 6th February
A lovely chilled sewing day working on my Vogue 9157 cropped trench coat for spring. In the evening I met up with my lovely girls Z and T for a night out at Queen of Hoxton where we danced and drank and heard a selection of the worst chat up lines, including but not limited to "you girls are privileged that I'm talking to you."

I wore the same outfit all day and night which is what I love about going out in shoreditch- you don't really need to dress up much.
I wore my hacked Simplicity 1370 pinny with yet another striped tee!

Sunday 7th February
Sunday started with a lovely lie in to recover from Saturday night. I then set about on a crazy day of sewing. I managed to finish off a corduroy pinny I had hanging around, stitched a New Look 6028 jacket in lovely floral fabric for spring and a fluted McCalls 7187 mini skirt in grey poly suiting.

For my outfit I went for comfort in my outfit in a snuggly pink cashmere polo neck and comfy suede skirt, again New Look 6346.

That's all for today. I am getting increasingly excited about the prospect of spring springing upon us. I am endlessly pinning and planning spring summer pieces, changing my mind multiple times of course, but enjoying the indulgence of planning summer pieces when it is barely 2 degrees outside. A real plus of being a home sewer is you are forced to think seasonally and plan ahead, which for me is half of the excitement. Are you trying out a 10 item wardrobe? Have you thought about sewing one for spring? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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