Monday 25th January
Back to work in my Vogue 9156 coat, New Look 6346 skirt and striped polo neck.

Another work day, this time donning my Salme 142 hack black pinafore, striped tee and Vogue 9156 coat.

Wednesday 27th January

Wednesday 27th January
After work I popped to Fabricland to buy some beautiful purple coating to sew jacket Vogue 9157 for spring and black needle cord to stitch Kwik Sew 4138 dungarees.

I wore my New Look 6346 skirt with M&S lace detail jumper and vintage liberty scarf.

Thursday 28th January
Today I wore my Simplicity 1759 red coat with topshop scarf, Simplicity 1419 blue floral dress layered over a long sleeve tee.

Friday 29th January
Last day of a long, long week. I wore an old faithful outfit- Vintage simplicity striped tee, red Simplicity 1759 coat and Simplicity 1370 navy skirt, which I successfully dyed to remove the bleach stains.

Saturday 30th January
Such a wonderful Saturday. We went for a lovely lunch at the swanky 1 Duke Street in Richmond which was delicious. After that BF and I went to the museum of London with our chums C and N and their friends. We looked around all of the exhibitions but went specifically for the new tattoo exhibition. After that we went for lovely drinks at Hush in Bank followed by amazing curry at Diwana in Euston. If you ever want curry in London you cannot beat Drummond Street. Lastly we headed to Kensington for our friend S's birthday drinks at a lovely Irish pub.
I wore my red simplicity 1759 coat again, with my New Look 1370 skirt and striped tee.

Sunday 31st January
The end of the month! I spent the day hanging out at my friends N and C's place playing board games. I then bought a couple of new striped tee shirts for spring end went home to finish my spring coat Butterick , which you will see soon!
I wore my hacked Simplicity 1419 dress layered over a black long sleeve tee.

That's it for month one of my 10 item wardrobe and I love it. I will definitely be continuing into February and will probably look into changing a few pieces for a spring vibe in a week or two. Check out my other 10 item wardrobe posts here. I would love to know if you too have been trying out a capsule wardrobe so please do comment below!
That's all for today, thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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