My First Jelly Roll Quilt: Work in Progress

As I mentioned in a previous post I found an awesome video on line which taught me how to make a cool jelly roll quilt top. I was intrigued and rushed to the shops as soon as I could to buy my first jelly roll and try out this amazing new method. If you have not watched the video it is well worth a look, and it really was as quick and easy as the lovely lady of the Missouri Star Quilt Company made it look. I won't explain exactly how it works here as the video can be seen here and she explains it much better than I could. Basically you sew your strips together randomly to create a reaaalllyyy long piece of jelly roll, then cut in half and sew the two halves together, cut in half again, then sew them together, then cut in half again and then sew them together etc etc (you get the drift!) until you end up with a lovely quilt top like this:

Watch her video for a better explanation! I love how the fabrics ended up, creating cool patterns I did not expect to see. Now it just needs a good press and to be backed and quilted, excited! Check back soon to see the finished piece 
