Turns out, google librarian chic and you actually get results. I'm pretty into the idea of working on more tailored pieces, trousers, skirts, blouses and maybe even a blazer having recently fallen in love (again) with the cuter than cute prim but not too proper style of Zoe Deschanel, rewatching 500 days of Summer and catching the new series of New Girl on 4OD. This urge to sew sensible but cute separates is probably due to the upcoming Me Made May '13, and the thought of not wearing trousers for 31 days... Here is a random collection of images to inspire my future forays into the world of sewing.
Source: otwritenow.tumblr.com |
Source: kendraleighw.wordpress.com |
Source: www.catmorley.com |
Source: http://www.polyvore.com |
Source: booksmarts81.blogspot.com |
Source: www.flickr.com |
Source: sadieswardrobe.blogspot.com |
Source: http://greenteaandcupcakes.blogspot.co.uk |
Source:indulgy.com |
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