Fabric wish list and Sewing to do list: Plans for upcoming projects

Since working on sewing myself a more 'wearable' wardrobe I have discovered a real gap in my wardrobe for the basics. And so I have a 'to sew' list, a handful of basic bits and bobs my me made wardrobe is lacking. And so with this in mind here are some fabrics I have been eyeing up and may try to get my hands on a few of them at some point this weekend...

My current sewing to do/wish list:
1. A tube skirt, striped or plain
2. A plain slouchy cardigan in a warm knit
3. Bright jeggings
4. A sequin mini skirt
5. A pair of plain vest tops
6. A lace tee
7. Wild card: A bikini? Will I ever? Time will tell

Now I am aware wish lists are called wish lists for a reason, and I will be lucky to make maybe half of these items, but every girl needs some inspo, right? All fabric images in this post are from fabricland.co.uk.

First, a simple tube skirt is a must to pair with blouses and tops of all sorts, so I need less than a meter of black/navy, or maybe a bright heavy weight jersey. Cheap as chips and simple to sew, or so I hope.

Source: http://thatchercollection.tumblr.com/

Source: http://youmeandmarie.tumblr.com/

'Cause I would obvs look like this, ahem...

Perhaps a stripey tube/pencil skirt would be a cute option too...

Source: http://leighleighbird.tumblr.com/

Source: http://artfit.tumblr.com/

Source: http://melvinandco.tumblr.com/

Next, a slouchy cardigan, in a camel or grey perhaps, any neutral not too dark to be worn in the summer.

Source: http://mariamjamie.tumblr.com/

Source: http://dontgoquietlyy.tumblr.com/

Some bright jeggings, perhaps in an apple colour, would be pretty cool and comfy. I have a good basic pattern with an ever so flattering elasticated waist, will need some stretchy flippin denim for these bad boys!

Source: http://rightonthedot.tumblr.com/

Source: http://amourloveblogstyle.tumblr.com/

Source: http://when-it-rains-itpours.tumblr.com/

A sequin mini skirt, picture based blog post pondering the issues surrounding this to be found here.

Source: http://malorienewton.tumblr.com/

Source: http://pajamas-all-day.tumblr.com/

Source: http://malorienewton.tumblr.com/

Some basic, neutral vests are sorely needed in my handmade arsenal, perhaps in cream or grey, or black even?

Source: http://wonderlandersxo.tumblr.com/

Source: http://s-loboda.tumblr.com/

A lacey tee I have long be lusting after, but this will require some stretch lace of the dance wear variety.

Source: http://poppinpigs.tumblr.com/

Source: http://inivyandintwine.tumblr.com/

And lastly a bikini, that will probably never be made but I find usual bikinis rather too revealing in certain areas, and so to design and make my own is a bit of an ambition of mine.

And this is how I'll look, oh yes...

So, any bets on how much I will actually end up sewing before I get distracted by some other zany scheme? Time will tell...
