A cry for help with my mini Amy Butler and Denyse Schmidt fabric haul!

The end if the academic year is at last upon us and it turns out talking to my kids about my passion for sewing all year was not in vain, they were really listening! As a generous thank you gift on the last day the parents clubbed together to get me some John Lewis vouchers to fund my hobby/addiction and today I began spending them in their sale, on these beautiful printed cottons.

A note from a pupil: He is right, I do like 'soeing' things like bit and bobs!

The quality is extraordinary and what's more I love talking to the lovely ladies who work in there.
The spots, blue cameo print and orange paisley are all Amy Butler and the cream floral is Denyse Schmidt, all produced by Westminster Fibres so high quality cottons and prints in rich colours which last forever!
But the problem is that, as I usually work in cheap fabrics where the stakes if I make a mistake are low, I can now not decide what to do with them (so afraid I am of making a mistake!) So please, help! Message me with any good ideas you have for these charming prints.
Thanks for reading, hope to hear some good ideas soon! X
