New sewing corner- room update!

Me and bf had been discussing for some weeks the possibility of swapping over the spare/storage/computer/sewing room with our bedroom when we yesterday gave in to the idea and spent the day unloading an reloading shelves, draws and wardrobes. I am in love with the result.
The reason for this change over is the realisation that we had a huge bedroom in which we did very little other than lie down and put clothes on. We often spent entire evenings in the small, cramped, messy, overcrowded 'storage' room next door in which our 'toys' lived (sewing machine, weights, computer, guitars etc).  So out mission was to sacrifice ample unused floor space in our bedroom for a smaller room in which to cuddle up and sleep and gain a massive room in which to spend out evenings. I like to think of it as a 21st century drawing room (oh Austen, how I love you).
But as this is my sewing blog I thought I would share my little sewing space in all this moving fandango with you. It is, of course, super tidy but in reality this just means the mess and madness has been contained to the chest of drawers. FYI, to any fledgling sewers out there drowning beneath a mass of unorganised textile resources, get your ass to your nearest charity shop and purchase yourself some cheap second hand drawers for stashing your bits and pieces. I guarantee you will not look back.
Notice my awesome new poster featuring cute vintage sewing pictures and ads to the right of my drawers. Oh I love <3

Hope you like my new cosy sewing corner, lets see how long I can maintain this organisation for...
Thanks for reading x
