A wet and miserable weekend! But we still did some lovely things. I was lucky enough to get to look after my pal Clare's cat Rogue is weekend, who is literally the tiniest full grown cat I have ever set eyes on. I enjoyed hanging out with her, although she was deeply suspicious of me to begin with, by the end of the weekend we were the best of friends!
Throughout the day I was frustrated by the constant bursts of torrential rain untill, as we headed home from our delicious lunch, above our road a beautiful rainbow appeared, making my remember why rain is sometimes magical.
I spent lots of Saturday chilling out at home with my favourite magazine, oh Comely. Every issue is just so charming and totally devoid of gossip and negativity, each is like a breath of fresh air and inspiration. Much better than the intermittent housework which plagues weekends :)
Me and bf also went for a delicious late lunch on the river at one of the new restaurants. We read every menu in great depth then went for Lebanese at Comptoir Libanais. It was amazing! Nom nom nom with such beautiful interiors, including funky vintage Lebanese film posters from the 50s and 60s wallpapering the bathrooms.
Just ignore the scaffolds...
I also spent much of Saturday stitching away which was lots of fun (obvs)
BUT this excitement does not compare to the excitement felt on Saturday night, for Eurovison fever!
For those non-European readers wondering what on earth I am on about, the Eurovison Song Contest is an annual singing competition in which European countries battle it out to become the Eurovison champion! It is honestly the campest talent show on TV. So many sequins, extensions and power ballads. I did feel somewhat sorry for the Russian contestants, 17 year old blonde twins, who were booed every time they received points. As much as Russia is not in many peoples good books right now, these poor girls looked more and more upset as the evening progressed and (as the lovely Graham Norton pointed out) they really have nothing to do with the terrible situation in Ukraine right now, so to take it out on them by booing seemed totally unfair. On a lighter note, some highlights this year included:
Poland's entry Donatan and Cleo singing 'We’re Slavic girls, We know how to use our charming beauty, Now, shake what your mama gave, ya!' Accompanied by the sexiest butter churning I have ever set eyes on. Such beautiful costumes I must say!
France's entry TWIN TWIN singing about how much they would like to be able to grow a moustache...
And finally, the Austrian winner Conchita, showing them how it's done with her luscious beard! On Saturday I wanted to be cosy and comfortable so I wore:
Me Made stretch mini skirt- self drafted pattern
Primark wooly jumper
H&M pink tee
Clarks cream brogues
I also tried my hair a new way on Saturday, which I loved! I <3 plaits! Makes me remember Copenhagen this January, the women there had such fabulous plaits.
On Sunday, the rain kept coming!
Me and Smaley met J and O on the south bank for lunch, a little mosie around the BFI and the National Theatre's book shop. Then we walked up the strand and had a look around St Paul's Cathedral which I had never done before so that was pretty awesome! We rounded off the day with a trip to Hamleys toy shop (which Smaley had never done before, a day of firsts!) and a stroll around Libertys and &other stories.
Graffiti from the 1700s= awesome. Does that say Charles Darwin?....
Lego royal wedding, obvs
Today I wore (for warmth)
Me made pinafore- adapted New Look 6886
Matalan denim shirt
Clarks leather brogues
Gold ring Primark
Back to work already?!? Where does the weekend go!
Thanks for reading and happy sewing x o x o
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